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Re: Fiori Transactional Apps to the Internet without SSO

Re: Confirm quantity is  not getting updated with CP scheduline category


Hi Rahul ,



Thanks for your reply.



I have changed to C , and also I have changed to 02 in material master.


But i am not able to get the schedule lines updated in the schedule lines tab.


I am able to get the avc check when I click on the avc check 


The problem is once I click on the tick mark it has to update the schedule lines . It is not updating .


The confirm qty is updating has "0" in schedule lines tab

API/FM to Add original to Existing DIR & Check in


Hi experts,


I am looking for an API/FM to add an original to an existing DIR .


I am actually getting the file data in "binary" form


And I want to checkin this file to a storage category (using KPRO)

and then add it as an original to an existing DIR .


I have tried below :


2) followed by CV115_DOC_SAVE_BUFFER

3) Finally , CV111_KPRO_SAVE

It is adding the file to the DIR But not checking in the file to the storage category .

Please suggest .


Re: #Multivalue on Cross Tab table format


Honestly, getting raw data is difficult.I will also try to formulate the max(date) function and let you know how it goes.

Re: DMS CV02N Environment' >> 'Display Changes'


Hi Swapnil ,


All the change docs coming in the change log comes from DB tables CDHDR & CDHDPOS , which are to be updated explicitly in case of custom enhancements .


So I guess you would have to write a custom code to do the same.




Re: Clear Open reservations


Hi Vempati,


Are you using industry specific AFS system and doing the same in mass (TECO)? If yes refer to SAP not 777475 being program error.


Else let us know if that's not the case.





Re: What is the Business use case of Development perspective in Hana.


Hello Hari,


in the "old" Modeller Perspective you "just" have the Systems view on SAP HANA.


The "new" SAP HANA Development perspective has (beside the System view) also a Projects and Repository view. With the respository view you have direct access to the HANA repository. With the projects tab you can handle your e.g. XS projects for HANA native app development (including the possiblity for team oriented development with shared projects).


For more info just have a look to the developers guide: The SAP HANA Development Perspective - SAP HANA Developer Guide for SAP HANA Studio - SAP Library


Best Regards,


Re: SAP ERP not appearing in software downloads

Re: Clear Open reservations


Hi Rahul,


I am not doing mass teco individual teco only.


when i am activated black flush and doing partial good issue and ticking final issue indicator open reservations are not clearing.


when i am deactivating black flush and doing partial good issue and ticking final issue indicator open reservations are clearing.


Please suggest how can i clear open reservations when i activate black-flush.




Re: MDG-M Reference characteristic - value cannot be selected


Please check the classes & characteristics assigned to your source material. I'm pretty sure those contain reference characteristics that reference a field of the material itself. These chars cannot be set, as they mirror one of the material fields itself.


See here for details: Creating Reference Characteristics - Characteristics (CA-CL-CHR) - SAP Library


This is of course a bug, and if the SNOTE

2105519 - Reference material with reference characteristics not transferred completely

is not fixing it, then you should open an OSS for this.


Kind regards


Re: Windows Task Manager - Get the Application Task Description?


The following will return the exe filename of all the running processes. You should be able to use this as a jumping off point to return more information about the processes.


First you need this structure:


type processentry32 from structure

  unsignedlong dwsize

  unsignedlong cntusage

  unsignedlong th32processid

  unsignedlong th32defaultheapid

  unsignedlong th32moduleid

  unsignedlong cntthreads

  unsignedlong th32parentprocessid

  unsignedlong pcpriclassbase

  unsignedlong dwflags

  character szexefile[260]

end type


Then these external function declarations:


Function ulong CreateToolhelp32Snapshot ( &

  ulong dwFlags, ulong th32ProcessID ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function boolean CloseHandle ( &

  ulong hObject ) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function boolean Process32First ( &

  ulong hSnapshot, Ref processentry32 lppe &

  ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "Process32FirstW"

Function boolean Process32Next ( &

  ulong hSnapshot, Ref processentry32 lppe &

  ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "Process32NextW"


Then this code:


Constant ULong TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = 2

PROCESSENTRY32 lstr_pe32

ULong lul_SnapShot

String ls_ExeFile



lul_SnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)

If lul_SnapShot > 0 Then

  lstr_pe32.dwSize = 36 + (260 * CHARSIZE)

  If Process32First(lul_SnapShot, lstr_pe32) Then


  If lstr_pe32.th32ProcessID > 0 Then

  ls_ExeFile = String(lstr_pe32.szExeFile)

  End If

  Loop While Process32Next(lul_SnapShot, lstr_pe32)

  End If


End If

Re: Sum([Sales revenue]) In Break: result is wrong

Re: MP135 com Cumulatividade - FBL5N




Nesse caso tem algum erro de comportamento ou configuração. Como foi postado esse documento com valores zerados?

Foi criado direto em FI ou foi feito via processo ( SD/MM ) com ligação a uma nota fiscal? Nesse caso recomendaria verificar a configuração do WHT ( em SD se liga conditions aos WHT ) e se existe o mesmo imposto ( conditions ) na NF.



Renan Correa



Usa este query:


select 'Anticipos' [TipoDoc], DocEntry,DocNum,Series from ODPI T0 where isnull(T0.edocnum,'@') = '@' and edocgentyp = 'G'

union all

select 'Facturas' [TipoDoc], DocEntry,DocNum,Series from OINV T0 where isnull(T0.edocnum,'@') = '@' and edocgentyp = 'G'

union all

select 'Notas de Crédito' [TipoDoc], DocEntry,DocNum,Series from ORIN T0 where isnull(T0.edocnum,'@') = '@' and edocgentyp = 'G'


El anterior te mostraba cualquie documento que tuviera nulo el campo de edocnum, este nuevo que te mando solo te mostrará los nulos siempre y cuando se le haya solicitado a SAP timbrarlo.


Nos avisas cómo te fue.





Sol Man 7.1 SR1 vs SPS


All, I have read the media guide and understand that you can use SR1 or SPS for installation. I have few questions.


1) How do I know what SP stack would be my system if I install SAP SOLMAN 7.1 SR1?

2) What are these - SPS4 and SPS13 - in the marketplace?

3) How do I use the SPS files during install? I am confused seeing the SPS files in the installation media.


Re: Homogeneous Migration of SAP NW 7.0 SP31




The change of Windows version is irrelevant. It is still a homogeneous system copy, as long as you aren't changing the entire operating system or entire database platform (you can also change database versions, as long as it's still the same DBMS family (and within some Basis SP and kernel limitations), i.e. you can go from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 and from MS SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2012, and it's still a homogeneous system copy, and yes, the backup/restore method is still valid. You do not need the export/import method for what you're trying to achieve.


Also, SWPM will install a new kernel, but it is not going to change your Basis/NetWeaver or support pack level. You are not installing a vanilla system. You are copying your existing system, including all of its support packs, configuration, etc. You do not install a system on the target host before doing the copy. You simply restore the database, then you run SWPM with the System Copy option. So, YES, you can use the "SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SR 3" option for BACKUP/RESTORE (or export/import, but I'm strongly trying to discourage you from choosing that option) of your sp31 system.




Re: How to dynamically adust column heights


Since Abhilash who is THE CR design man figures this is a great idea, I'd encourage you to post the idea in the SAP Idea Place. If you do so, please post a link to the idea and I will tweet it to my followers to increase the number of votes it gets. The more vote, the better chance of the feature being added to CR in the next version.



- Ludek

Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada

Follow me on Twitter

Re: Question about SAP Dialog work process and PRIV mode


The difference between the two scenarios is that in the first one, the work process will indeed handle other users requests after a given amount of time. While this DIA work process is "inbetween" dialog steps (waiting for user inputs) it can roll out that user's context and handle different requests from that time onwards. As soon as the user continue/finish the taks, the context will be rolled in for any other work process which will continue the work.


In the second scenario, this cannot be done and the work process will stay idle waiting for the user finish the task. This happens because HEAP memory is local and not while extended memory is shared.  THe work process enters PRIV as soon as the extended memory quota is over and HEAP memory starts to be allocated.

Re: Some of Data Quality functions under Transform platform are missing???


Hello Mister,


I have both one for Data Services 4.2 and another for Data integrator. I used the one for Data services only. But at installing, you encounter only for a one time entering a product key. Which one should I use?





Exporting custom monitoring templates




Is it possible to export custom monitoring templates from one server and import it onto a different server running the same SSM version?



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